
My name is Jerre and I'm running this blog cause I love drawing 'funny stuff'. I did go to art school back in the stone age but after a bunch of hoops and hurdles I ended up doing IT stuff.

I'm just a hobbyist cartoonist drawing 'funny stuff' for friends and family but also some professional publications like newsletters, magazines, books, blogs, etc ... There's even a board game out there with my scribblings on it!

My style is heavily influenced by the great Belgian comic tradition which is marked by its distinctive mix of caricature and realism. Also comics like Hagar the Horrible by Chris Browne, The Wizard of Id and B.C. by Parker and Hart and Garfield by Jim Davis have been a great source of inspiration.

Anyway, cartoons are a fun and affordable way to bring more attention to your message and help you communicate with humor!